Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sick, Elderly Man Threatens Bank With Bomb for Money

An elderly man accused of robbing a San Diego bank, pleaded not guilty to felony charges saying he did it to acquire money to save his home.

Michael Casey Wilson, 69, was arrested after the Bank of America branch in North Park, Ca was robbed.

It is alleged that he handed the bank manager a four page note saying he had C-4 explosives in his briefcase and demanded that money be handed over to him.

According to authorities, he walked out of the bank with over $100,000 but was arrested around an hour and a half later a few blocks away on the porch of a house.

Wilson is said to be a man with severe medical problems including severe arthritis, sleep apnea, heart problems and emotional issues, and he was in need of $50,000 so he could keep himself and his 73-year-old wife in their home.

"I've never done a bad thing in my life," Wilson told a television reporter. "But you get desperate; I guess you throw all that ... out the window."

Wilson, at five feet, eight inches tall, walks with a cane and was using an oxygen tank when he appeared in court.

He pleaded not guilty to three counts of robbery and one count of falsely reporting a bomb in San Diego County Superior Court, and remains in jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.

Wilson said, "It was 50-50. Well, if I get caught, I get caught. I'm dying anyway, so what difference does it make."

Wilson has no prior criminal record according to prosecutors, but if convicted, Wilson could be sentenced to up to seven years and eight months in prison.

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