Saturday, September 12, 2009

5 Ways to Stay Positive in Today's Market

1. Avoid toxic people. Who are the toxic people? Toxic people can be well-meaning people, but when they talk to you, they are coming from a negative attitude about money, finances, and especially about the current economy.

2. Avoid toxic work places. What is a toxic work place? A toxic company or workplace is where you worry about getting paid, you are not empowered to do your best and you feel helpless.

3. Avoid the media. Why? Remember that the intention of the media is to sell newspapers and magazines. The more they can paint a negative and fearful picture, the more their sales go up. Why subject yourself to negative spins on the economy when you can find just as much information to point to the positive?

4. Successful people do well in any market. Knowing that fact, none of us can continue to use the excuse about the market being bad. In fact, we know many people right now who in the last six months have doubled and tripled their incomes.

5. Remember that your success depends on your environment. The people or the company you're with needs to be supportive.

Today is the day . Make the changes and put yourself in a positive, healthy, wealthy environment.


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