Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Market Preview

This week unlike last week there are events and data points everyday for the bond and mortgage markets to consider. This is employment week with the March employment data on Friday, early expectations are for non-farm jobs to increase 185K with non-farm private jobs up 203K, the unemployment rate is expected unchanged at 8.9%. In the meantime Feb personal income and spending out on Monday, Mar consumer confidence on Tuesday, Thursday has weekly jobless claims, the Chicago purchasing mgrs index, Friday the ISM national manufacturing index.
Recent better than expected earnings reports and relaxing of concerns from Japan has boosted equity markets and interest rate markets are taking on a more negative technical pattern. We remain bearish for the outlook on rates, however we are not looking for rates to move substantially higher. The prime and only reason the bond and mortgage markets rallied recently was over safety moves on the Japanese nuclear problems.
Not only economic data this week, but Treasury borrowing. Tuesday $35B of 2 yr notes, Wednesday $35B of 5 yr notes and Thursday $29B of 7 yr notes. Recent auctions still seeing OK demand but not quite as strong as auctions last year. Debt problems in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Greece and Ireland get coverage in the media but are not having any noticeable impact on US bond markets.

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