Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Attracting What You Want

Here's a simple and effective way to attract what you want when you want, and it's not just about the Law of Attraction. 

Change Your Energy 

To attract what you want change or shift your energy. Everything in this world is made up of energy including us.

Other people pick up on your energy. If you have positive energy you'll attract positive people and positive situations into your life. If you have negative energy, you'll attract negative people and negative situations into your life. If you're not getting what you want then there's avery good chance that you're simply sending out the wrong energy. You'll attract what corresponds to your energy.

Negative energy attracts negative situations. Positive energy attracts positive situations. It's really that simple. So if you're not getting what you want, you're likely sending out the wrong energy. Change your energy and you'll start getting what you want.

Just what is your energy? 

Your energy is based on your thoughts and beliefs. Your subconscious mind picks up on your thoughts and beliefs. It then goes out and creates situations that correspond to your thoughts and beliefs (your energy). Other people pick up your energy on a subconscious level. They're not consciously aware of your energy but they just develop a feeling about you based on your energy. If you have negative energy you'll attract negative people and negative situations. At the same time you'll repel positive people and positive situations.

This is not a good combination if you want to create a positive and successful life. If you constantly think of the worst, if you find that you're regularly negative, if you don't believe that you can ever achieve anything, if you don't believe that anybody can be good, if you constantly complain, if you always see the worst in situations, if you regularly put others down, if you're just a negative person you will develop negative energy and in the end you'll only attract more negative situations into your life. 

These kinds of situations or negative energy will only make your life miserable and in the end it will be even more difficult for you to achieve your goals and create the changes that you want. At the same time you'll push away positive people and positive situations.

So by being negative and having negative energy things will continue to get worse. Being negative is really a no win situation and you should do everything that you can to stop being negative and eliminate any negative energy that you have. Change the way you see things and begin eliminating the negative thoughts and negative beliefs. This will change your energy so that you begin attracting what you want. Start changing how you think. Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Focus on finding solutions and you'll begin attracting more positive situations into your life.

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